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5113dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Mer 28 Juin 2006 - 22:52



proto1 a écrit:pas de précipitation zephir : tu dois attendre que bubu soit confirmé pour suivre ...
Donc attendre que TS confirme et aprés attendre que bubu confirme ton lien et ainsi de suite: beaucoup de probleme en moins depuis que cette règle a été etablie Wink

merci Smile

oops, oui j'ai été vite là

attendons confirmation de TS, merci proto

5213dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Ven 30 Juin 2006 - 13:45




j'ai un pending de deux jours y a t'il un delais maintenant pour ce faire payé


5313dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty payout Ven 30 Juin 2006 - 14:22




Extrait de la faq de 13dailypro :

You will receive your payment within 5 business days.

Ils peuvent donc payer dans les 5 business days...
Plus ils auront de membres, plus ils iront vers la fin de ces 5 business days,

Bons gains à tous,

5413dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty ENCORE UN DE FINI.... Ven 30 Juin 2006 - 22:57



Encore un de fini :

Important Information

Almost right from the beginning of 13dailyPro the growth has been very strong and healthy. The last 3 months with an explosive rate of almost 200% every 20 days.

Thanks to the hard work of the team we have reached a high level of professionalism, efficiency and a superior level of support. We have had great support from almost everyone and have often received roses for our efforts in 13dailyPro.

When paying as fast as we have been, it is obvious that there has never been a large cash balance available. Most has had to have been paid out as fast as it has come in to be able to maintain the high level of standard. And that has been possible for 4 months. The problem with doing it this way is that it does impose some vulnerability when something happens out of the ordinary.

Everything has been perfect until Compact surfing closed 2 ½ weeks ago, with the excuse that the drop in the gold prices was the reason for the closure.
Of course we have felt the gold fluctuations, but as it happened gradually over a longer period, the effect was not huge for us in terms of loss in the actual dollar amount.

We did expect a boom in the growth on CS’s closure, but what actually happened was that our members became worried that the same would be the case for us and that there was a higher risk, so the larger upgrades dropped a great deal. Not worse though than to a point where there was still a balance.

The final reason has to be found in last weekend’s server crash and loss of 3 hours database. During that weekend, the turn over dropped from $160,000 in daily upgrades to roughly $60,000. All of a sudden we were short of cash to immediately pay everyone on the same day and had to hope that the 5 business day policy would help return the balance to a satisfactory level.

Instead the forums have been filled with worried members and less fortunate suggestions from outsiders in particular. This has also had some impact on member’s further reinvestments. And as everyone has noticed on the stats, it has now dropped to $40,000 a day.

So doing the maths correctly we are currently looking at 7-8 working days to pay. And that is not going to hold up anywhere.

We see no other alternative than to immediately begin a drastic reconstruction with an efficient plan to salvage was has been lost.
From this moment all upgrades has been disabled. We will immediately begin to get a complete overview on all payments and upgrades and make a file on everyone’s accounts.
When this is completed, the database will reset, and we will re-open from scratch, with a few changes.

At this stage we are working on the following immediate figures and plan;

13% daily for 10 days
6% ref com, where 3% will go to the refunds of member who are not in profit.
The ones who are in profit will in first instance not receive a refund. All members will be paid in the order they have upgraded in.
We hope that we this way can have everyone back on track as fast as possible in a more stabile situation. The 13dailyPro Team is determined to make this project a success and will do everything we possibly can to reach all goals set out with this.

I would like to express a sincere thank you to all the members who has shown a tremendous support during the entire run. Without you, we would have not reached the heights we did!

Practical information;

We will continue to leave the contact form open and answer questions. Some probably via mass emails as we will receive a lot of frequently asked questions.
We will welcome your constructive input and views and will also be at MMG to answer questions time permitting! Follow the link form the homepage to forum.
No one can expect that we will answer any emails concerned payouts. The case is simple. The till is empty, all used up to pay pending payments in order of turn. Everyday all has been paid out.
Last, we will have to point towards the terms accepted upon your registration to the program.

WIN EXTRA Important

For everyone’s information we would like to point out that the Win Extra sweepstake pool has been set aside and the winner will still be drawn on Saturday at 12pm GMT+2. There has not been a huge amount of tickets sold this week, so the 25% which where supposed to be transferred to next weeks draw will be added to the total pool for this week. You will be able to continue to buy tickets until Saturday at 12pm.


13dailyPro Team

Bo AndersenImportant Information

Almost right from the beginning of 13dailyPro the growth has been very strong and healthy. The last 3 months with an explosive rate of almost 200% every 20 days.

Thanks to the hard work of the team we have reached a high level of professionalism, efficiency and a superior level of support. We have had great support from almost everyone and have often received roses for our efforts in 13dailyPro.

When paying as fast as we have been, it is obvious that there has never been a large cash balance available. Most has had to have been paid out as fast as it has come in to be able to maintain the high level of standard. And that has been possible for 4 months. The problem with doing it this way is that it does impose some vulnerability when something happens out of the ordinary.

Everything has been perfect until Compact surfing closed 2 ½ weeks ago, with the excuse that the drop in the gold prices was the reason for the closure.
Of course we have felt the gold fluctuations, but as it happened gradually over a longer period, the effect was not huge for us in terms of loss in the actual dollar amount.

We did expect a boom in the growth on CS’s closure, but what actually happened was that our members became worried that the same would be the case for us and that there was a higher risk, so the larger upgrades dropped a great deal. Not worse though than to a point where there was still a balance.

The final reason has to be found in last weekend’s server crash and loss of 3 hours database. During that weekend, the turn over dropped from $160,000 in daily upgrades to roughly $60,000. All of a sudden we were short of cash to immediately pay everyone on the same day and had to hope that the 5 business day policy would help return the balance to a satisfactory level.

Instead the forums have been filled with worried members and less fortunate suggestions from outsiders in particular. This has also had some impact on member’s further reinvestments. And as everyone has noticed on the stats, it has now dropped to $40,000 a day.

So doing the maths correctly we are currently looking at 7-8 working days to pay. And that is not going to hold up anywhere.

We see no other alternative than to immediately begin a drastic reconstruction with an efficient plan to salvage was has been lost.
From this moment all upgrades has been disabled. We will immediately begin to get a complete overview on all payments and upgrades and make a file on everyone’s accounts.
When this is completed, the database will reset, and we will re-open from scratch, with a few changes.

At this stage we are working on the following immediate figures and plan;

13% daily for 10 days
6% ref com, where 3% will go to the refunds of member who are not in profit.
The ones who are in profit will in first instance not receive a refund. All members will be paid in the order they have upgraded in.
We hope that we this way can have everyone back on track as fast as possible in a more stabile situation. The 13dailyPro Team is determined to make this project a success and will do everything we possibly can to reach all goals set out with this.

I would like to express a sincere thank you to all the members who has shown a tremendous support during the entire run. Without you, we would have not reached the heights we did!

Practical information;

We will continue to leave the contact form open and answer questions. Some probably via mass emails as we will receive a lot of frequently asked questions.
We will welcome your constructive input and views and will also be at MMG to answer questions time permitting! Follow the link form the homepage to forum.
No one can expect that we will answer any emails concerned payouts. The case is simple. The till is empty, all used up to pay pending payments in order of turn. Everyday all has been paid out.
Last, we will have to point towards the terms accepted upon your registration to the program.

WIN EXTRA Important

For everyone’s information we would like to point out that the Win Extra sweepstake pool has been set aside and the winner will still be drawn on Saturday at 12pm GMT+2. There has not been a huge amount of tickets sold this week, so the 25% which where supposed to be transferred to next weeks draw will be added to the total pool for this week. You will be able to continue to buy tickets until Saturday at 12pm.


13dailyPro Team

Bo Andersen

Voilà la situation de 13dailypro,
Suis trop fatigué pour traduire, si quelqu'un le veut ...

Bonne soirée,

5513dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Sam 1 Juil 2006 - 0:49



traduc rapide: ils ne se sont pas relevés de la fermeture de compact-surf, ils remettent tous les upgrades à 0 et redemarrent...
ceux qui n'ont pas fait leur roi seront remboursés par ordre d'upgrade...
je le mets en liste noire ...

5613dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Dim 2 Juil 2006 - 16:55


Modo / WM certifié ASP
Modo / WM certifié ASP

oui il a sa place en liste noire, mon paiement a disparu, mon upgrade aussi donc cela sonne ma retraite, a bientot

5713dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Dim 2 Juil 2006 - 17:18


Modo / WM certifié ASP
Modo / WM certifié ASP

Apparement, ils viennent de redémarrer avec un nouveau concept : 10%/13 jours
D'après leur dernier mail, les comptes sont remis à zéro dans la partie historique uniquement (les fifis sont toujours là), mais les opérations effacées sont enregistrées chez eux afin de préparer la liste des refunds à faire...

Bref, je sais pas trop comment le classer ? Liste noire ou en test ?....

5813dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Dim 2 Juil 2006 - 17:38



Dès que je me décide à reprendre les AS, je chosis encore le mauvais. Bon je crois que là j'arrête définitivement les AS topgun

5913dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Mar 4 Juil 2006 - 20:47


Modo / WM certifié ASP
Modo / WM certifié ASP

salut, bon la il dit qu'il a commence a rembourser, a suivre avec attention

6013dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Mar 4 Juil 2006 - 23:03



Encore rien pour bibi ce soir sur e-gold.
40$ Upgrader 57,31 $ le 1er juillet, fin des 11 jours. 13dailypro.NET - Page 3 Hello

6113dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Sam 8 Juil 2006 - 19:56



Bjr, je viens d'avoir se mail :

En plus chez eux je n'est cette id !!!!! mais celui-là User account #8811

Pouvez-vous aider, explication posts plus haut merci. 13dailypro.NET - Page 3 Love7

Your refund pay id is 19292

Why your account is zeroed out
Where is my upgrade

We have sent out several emails over the last week explaining the current situation and what is happening with 13dP and a refund process.

If you have not received these emails, please be advised that they are available within your member’s area. By following the news link!


13dailyPro Team, Support

Mails send
Refund stat www.old13dailypro/fullstats.php

6213dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Dim 9 Juil 2006 - 1:29


Modo / WM certifié ASP
Modo / WM certifié ASP

En gros ils te disent qu'ils ont déjà envoyé plusieurs mails à ce sujet pour expliquer qu'ils allaient rembourser les membres qui n'étaient pas en bénéfice dans l'ancien site.

Ils te communiquent aussi ton numéro d'opération de remboursement.

6313dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Dim 9 Juil 2006 - 10:39



Merci Euro 13dailypro.NET - Page 3 Hello

6413dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Dim 16 Juil 2006 - 19:27



Toujours pas de remboursement !

J'ai quand même Ugrader de nouveau à 5$ 13dailypro.NET - Page 3 Temps14 le 25/07/06 13dailypro.NET - Page 3 Hello

6513dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Lun 17 Juil 2006 - 15:22


Vétéran du web
Vétéran du web

salut Smile il m'a payé suite à la relance du site(par contre pas remboursé le plantage d'avant la relance Neutral )
Hi papayou47,
You have just received payment from
13dailyPro to your E-Gold account.
E-Gold account. 13xxx79
Amount = $6.79
Paid: Batch #64xxx934

6613dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Lun 17 Juil 2006 - 20:43


Modo / WM certifié ASP
Modo / WM certifié ASP

Pareil pour moi, payé sur le nouveau schéma mais pas encore remboursé de ma "perte" sur l'ancien schéma...

Je fais un break dans l'investissement, le temps de voir s'il est toujours là en aout... je sens que certains qui pouvaient être limite du ROI vont profiter du premier tour pour faire leur ROI et voir ailleurs...

11:55 Payment Received xxx Gold +0.029496 xxx 19.60 USD 664.50
From: 13dp Merchant Reference #: 480
Memo: Payout to member #2971 from 13dailyPro

6713dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Lun 17 Juil 2006 - 23:31



eurolidays a écrit:Pareil pour moi, payé sur le nouveau schéma mais pas encore remboursé de ma "perte" sur l'ancien schéma...

Je fais un break dans l'investissement, le temps de voir s'il est toujours là en aout... je sens que certains qui pouvaient être limite du ROI vont profiter du premier tour pour faire leur ROI et voir ailleurs...

11:55 Payment Received xxx Gold +0.029496 xxx 19.60 USD 664.50
From: 13dp Merchant Reference #: 480
Memo: Payout to member #2971 from 13dailyPro

Tu crois qu'il faut leur faire un p'tit mot sympa ?

6813dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Lun 17 Juil 2006 - 23:39


Modo / WM certifié ASP
Modo / WM certifié ASP

J'ai vu que je figurais dans la liste 2 des refund... et effectivement, je me suis trompé dans mes calculs et je n'ai pas fait mon ROI (j'avais oublié un invest)...

A suivre...

6913dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Mar 18 Juil 2006 - 21:29



Traduction d'un e-mail d'aujourd'hui de "" par Google.

Chers membres, Nous obtenons toujours un grand nombre d'email concernant les remboursements. C'est plutôt décevant car nous travaillons beaucoup d'heures supplémentaires déjà et toute l'information a été rendue disponible dans les email et dans le secteur de membres. Nous avons déjà payé dehors presque $26.000 dans les remboursements et continuerons à payer autant que possible quand les fonds sont disponibles comme expliqué. Réponses plus souvent aux questions posées ci-dessous ; 1. Les identifications sur les 2 listes de fullstats sont l'identification en lots de paiement, non votre identification de membre 2. Oui, vos comptes sont encore en activité et vous pouvez surfer, améliorer, acheter la publicité et acheter des billets pour le sweepstake. 3. Tous les comptes où mis à zéro le 1er juillet avant la relance et un plein support de tous rend compte de avant cette date a été faits et est sur une base de données différente pour la préparation des remboursements ! 4. Si votre compte est supprimé en raison de l'inactivité, vous immobile recevrez un remboursement, là êtes encore 2 bases de données. La période courante d'inactivité est placée à 21 jours sans vague déferlante ou mises à niveau. 5. Si votre nom n'est pas sur la liste encore, svp ne pas s'inquiéter, nous travaillons toujours sur la liste pour nous assurer que les montants sans but lucratif vont sur la liste #1 et l'équilibre va à list#2. Nous voulons saisir cette occasion de remercier tous membres qui ont joint 12by12 dans le 13dP rayent vers le bas. C'est une portion nous pour amplifier le processus de remboursements ! Sincèrement équipe 13dailyPro

Mais ou sont ces liste#1/2 ? 13dailypro.NET - Page 3 Forum62

7013dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Mar 18 Juil 2006 - 23:13


Modo / WM certifié ASP
Modo / WM certifié ASP

Elles sont là :

7113dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Mer 19 Juil 2006 - 21:00



Bonsoir les amis,

Paiement reçu de mon dernier upgrade échu le 16/07

11:53 Payment Received ******* Gold +0.010690 ******** 6.68 USD 624.90
From: 13dp Merchant Reference #: 1016
Memo: Payout to member #12407 from 13dailyPro


PS: Même s'il y a encore quelques problèmes de remboursement, je pense que ce site devrait quand même sortir de la liste noire.

7213dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Mer 19 Juil 2006 - 21:09


Modo / WM certifié ASP
Modo / WM certifié ASP

13dailypro.NET - Page 3 Hello, bon bah j'espere qu'il va pas m'oublie, je suis un peu rassure de voir que cresus et eurolidays ont eu leurs gains, a quand mon tour What a Face

7313dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Mer 19 Juil 2006 - 23:06



eurolidays a écrit:Elles sont là :

Il suis sur aucune listes :'(

Mon Upgrade Ends à fini le 30/06/06 pour 57,31$

Merci EURO pour le lien !

7413dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Dim 30 Juil 2006 - 22:25




vous conseillé de remettre des $ ou d'atendre le remboursement

13dailypro.NET - Page 3 Blahblah

7513dailypro.NET - Page 3 Empty Re: 13dailypro.NET Dim 30 Juil 2006 - 22:57


Modo / WM certifié ASP
Modo / WM certifié ASP

Disons que le nouveau schéma est assez récent pour qu'on puisse y mettre des billes.

En ce qui me concerne, j'ai rempilé pour le 2ème tour ce matin...

Je suis également dans la liste 2 et je n'ai pas été remboursé...

Contenu sponsorisé

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